Mustang News
Mustang News is a student-run news source for Cal Poly and the greater San Luis Obispo community. Since 2018 I have grown from Designer to Design Director to now Creative Director and Co-Digital Manager of this news organization. I have learned the power that visual design has on story telling and have created some award-winning pieces for Mustang News.
My Timeline
Designer (2018) >> Design Director (2019) >> Creative Director (2020)
Reaching New Audiences
I established the Creative Director position in 2020 to oversee branding and visual identities across all platforms. During my time in this position, I helped transform our social media from a photo sharing space to a hub of breaking news and story content.
Across all Platforms
The team of designers and I worked to visualize stories that could be transferred across social, web, and print platforms. Below is an example of how I altered the Tianna Arata social media story for web and print design.
I joined Mustang News because I wanted to help my community stay informed about the school and society that they were participating in. Because we are continuosly busy and distracted, I felt it necessary to create designs that were enticing and easily understood.
“A Year After Blackface” Special Edition Cover 2019
This special edition cover reflected the Blackface event that occurred on Cal Poly campus a year prior. The event received national attention and triggered many more racist events to happen afterwards during that same year. The lack of response from Cal Poly Administration resulted in marginalized students, including myself, feeling unwelcome and unsafe on this campus.
To help viewers understand the impact of this event, I compiled headlines that came out all over the nation about this racist incident. I then drew a face that emitted the disappointment and embarrassment that had been common among Cal Poly students throughout that year.
This edition was Quinn Fish’s Senior Project and has since won several awards since it was published (see below).
Link to full special edition
Mustang News gets dozens of awards every year for our work in college journalism. The awards listed here are all personal awards in my name.
= awards won for “Blackface” cover
National PINACLE College Media Awards
*2nd place special section cover 2020
California College Media Awards
1st place inside spread design 2021
3rd place newspaper website 2021
*1st place illustration 2020
2nd place newspaper cover 2020
*SAGE award for student published work that addresses scientific, statistical, technical and/or social issues 2019